연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 대학원생 구두발표(토론II): 생체고분자 기반 의료공학 기술
발표장 제8-2회장
논문코드 OD2-2
발표일 2024-04-3
발표시간 13:10-13:20
논문제목 Polysaccharide Mannan based Nanoparticles for Repolarization of Macrophages
발표자 백주원
발표자 소속 인하대학교
저자 백주원, 진위현, 손세진
소속 인하대학교
논문초록 Macrophage activation is involved in the outcome of many diseases and is recognized as one of the best targets for disease intervention. Macrophage exhibits polarization in response to environmental changes, M1 phenotype triggers a pro-inflammatory response and M2 phenotype associated with anti-inflammatory actions. In a previous study, we confirmed that mannan enhanced the immune response by targeting toll-like receptors (TLRs) and Dectin-2. We used oxidized mannan to enhance immunogenicity by increasing structural complexity, making polysaccharide mannan based nanoparticles aimed at modulating macrophage polarization. We observed a phenotype change in macrophages upon treatment with oxidized mannan. The potential of this approach is that modified mannan can trigger an immune response and thereby change the phenotype of macrophage, offering a viable strategy for treating diverse diseases, including cancer.